Web slinger
A fun little browser extension 
Don’t you think websites have become a bit boring?
Don’t you rather want to play a game instead of actually reading?
Probably not, but here’s an extension that does it anyway.
This is just a test page to play around with the mechanics without
the need of downloading the extension.
And it is still early in development…
A lot will change, but I will keep the old version running on this page
to actually experience what change. Basically a very interactive devlog.
The extension allows you to jump and swing around on any webpage.
So… let’s begin. Press the button to start the game:
As you can see, a character appeared at the top of the page. Try to jump down -> here <-
The controls are very much inspired by the “game getting over it.”
Try to get familiar with the controls. Here’s a challenge: jump over this gap. You can do this!
But there’s more. You can also swing around (hence the name). Left click to shoot a rope.
You can hook on text and swing around by moving your mouse.
You can even move the mouse down to pull yourself up.
Now you can cross even bigger gaps This should be easy.
That’s it. A simple concept but imagine all the possibilities.
Youtube comments filled with levels.
A dedicated subreddit where where levels can be rated.
Just swinging around on random pages when you are bored.
So there’s basically already a level editor and a rating system!
And I don’t have to do any networking stuff!
Of course, just swinging around everywhere is kinda overpowered.
To introduce some difficulty, you are not allowed to hook special characters:
That’s it for now. This is a small introduction to the game. There are many interesting challenges to making this work in the browser, and everything builds on a custom physics engine, so there are definitely more topics worth writing about. Stay tuned! (maybe)